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Here’s Why You Might Want to Rethink Using Talcum Powder

By now, you’ve probably heard of the Canadian and American lawsuit filed against Johnson & Johnson back in 2016, claiming that long-term use of its baby powder resulted in ovarian cancer, not to mention all of the studies being done to determine whether or not talc is detrimental to human health.

To give you even more incentive to rethink the pillowy powder, Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada recently published a draft screening assessment proposing the potential risks of talc to the lungs and ovaries.

The document, which was published last week, states: “inhaling loose talc powders and exposure to the female genital area from the use of certain products containing talc may be harmful to human health.”

According to Health Canada, potential effects to the lungs from breathing in loose talc powder are trouble breathing, decreased lung function and fibrosis, while exposing the female genital area to talc and talc-containing products could possibly cause ovarian cancer.

Talc is a naturally-occurring clay mineral that can be found in several products on the market, like baby, body, face and foot powders, rash and diaper creams, genital deodorants, body wipes, and even in some bath bombs.

While we wait for more studies to come out and for the final screening assessment to be published, Health Canada is advising the public to avoid inhaling loose talc powder and to keep baby powder away from children’s faces. You should also avoid exposing your nether regions to talc (because, believe it or not, there is a right way to take care for your vagina), and always check your product labels for the contentious ingredient.

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