FASHION is an all-inclusive brand aimed at all sizes, ages, ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations. Our belief is that everyone who loves fashion and beauty should feel included and be inspired. FASHION is a sophisticated brand that inspires and empowers fashion and beauty lovers to try new things, be informed on the latest news and trends, and to be their best selves. We are #FASHIONforall.
editor-in-chief LIZ GUBER senior creative & fashion director, FASHION & events GEORGE ANTONOPOULOS
FASHION fashion news & features director ANNIKA LAUTENS editorial assistant STEPHANIE DAVOLI
BEAUTY beauty & brand strategy director SOUZAN MICHAEL GALWAY beauty writer LAUREN KNOWLES
DIGITAL digital director JENNIFER BERRY social media & market editor NATALIE MICHIE
ART associate art director DANIELLE CAMPBELL junior designer/photo editor LINDSAY PATTERSON
PRODUCTION production manager CAROLINE POTTER production editor LINDSAY COOPER copy editors/proofreaders MARJORIE DUNHAM-LANDRY, JANE FIELDING
SJC Media chairman & CEO TONY GAGLIANO vice-chairman JOHN GAGLIANO CFO & COO KIN-MAN LEE executive vice-president, enterprise operations DAVID MCGRATH executive vice-president, sales RAY D’ANTONIO vice-president, branded content & marketing SASHA EMMONS vice-president, client solutions CAMERON WILLIAMSON vice-president, audience development & commerce MICHAEL GAGLIANO group publisher JASON MAGHANOY vice-president, content-social, video & podcasts KYLE JOE
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