If there were some sort award for roller coaster weather, Saskatoon would definitely be in the running. With the weather dipping down to minus 46 and then climbing the Celsius chart to a whopping plus five in a mere 48 hours, people are examining their closets and contemplating what to wear. Spring shopping has many of us keeping our hopes up that the warmer months won’t pass us by.
While shopping for a new spring jacket, I happened upon the North Face Venture jacket (shown, $120) at Outter Limits (630 Broadway Ave., 306-374-1663, outterlimits.com). I was eyeing the daffodil yellow and alba green versions, but I eventually decided on classic black. It’s not glamorous evening apparel, but it’s really functional. (Anyone who has one will swear by it.) It’s perfect for a hike, camping trip or being caught in the rain—weekends at the lake can’t come soon enough! I’m ready for when spring decides to show up.
I love thunderstorms, rodeos and lying on the beach. I like learning new things, red and green Dino Sours and Broadway shows. I’ve been told I have a slight shopping problem. I disagree. I like Rider roadtrips, snowboarding, acting and a good night of dancing. I’m competitive at Monopoly. Greece has the best sunsets, Austria the best wine. I love New York City! It’s important to be nice. I think auctions are thrilling and backpacking Thailand should be mandatory. I can bake thirty-minute brownies in twenty minutes.
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