For everyone who cried when the original Sex and the City came to a close, and it continued to be bastardized by not one but TWO over-the-top blockbusters, it looks like the torture story is not over yet. The CW has ordered a pilot of the Sex and the City prequel, The Carrie Diaries.
Amy Harris, who co-produced and wrote the original HBO series, will write the pilot. The series will be based on the novels of the same name, written Candace Bushnell. The story takes place in the ‘80s and focuses on Carrie’s budding writing career, friendship with Sebastian Kydd, and rivalry with girl-about-town Donna LaDonna (yes, that’s seriously her name).
While we loved us some SATC back in the day, we can’t totally get behind this move. Who’s going to play Carrie? Blake Lively? Yeah, right. It’s not likely that Patricia Field would style the show, since she has no contractual obligation. And plus, the series will probably lack all of the candid/witty/raunchy content that only HBO can get away with.
What’s your take? Are you super excited about the new series or do you think it’s a big mistake?
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