Three planes, two trains, and several embarrassing attempts at asking directions in French later, and I’ve finally arrived in Paris. It’s not my first time in the “City of Love”, but this time is definitely different. Unlike previous trips with school or family, I’m unbounded by a strict schedule of museums, churches and historical hot spots. My one-man itinerary is limited: drink red wine, eat soft cheese, and hit up as many famous bakeries as possible. Most importantly: don’t look, feel, or act like a tourist.
It all starts with looking the part. To act like a Parisian, you have to feel like a Parisian. I should be rolling out of bed feeling ready to walk a runway—effortless, chic, and glowing. In preparation for my travels, I’ve been using Jergens® Natural Glow® Daily Moisturizer. And just one week in, I’m looking sun-kissed, feeling radiant, and acting with a certain je ne sais quoi (at least I think I am). There’s something about glowing skin that makes all the makeup, hair tools and styling products seem unnecessary, and allows your natural confidence to shine.
Seriously—I’m not making this stuff up. As I basked in the sun at Cour Napoléon, watching the selfie-taking tourists outside the Louvre and reading my book, I was courted by a young French man. He was surprised to learn that I was just a visitor, and was happy to help me practice my French. When he asked to read the back of my book (a 1975 copy of Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five that I picked up at Shakespeare and Co.), I snuck a picture as proof. Pretty romantic right?
After we said our au revoirs, I broke my anti-tourist rule #1 and took a selfie of my own. I knew this is a moment I’d want to remember. With glowing skin, disheveled hair, and an accidental self-timer scowl, I think I might actually be getting the hang of this whole French girl thing.
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