Oh, happy day! It’s finally happening: ultimate cool girl, IG-famous brand Glossier has started shipping to Canada today. Back in 2015, the team published an article on Into The Gloss explaining why everyone’s fave makeup and skincare brand wasn’t available in the Great White North (and like, everywhere else), but the buzz---and our impatience---only grew.
And now, Emily Weiss and co. have answered our prayers. Guess time does heal everything. Below you’ll find everything we know about Glossier’s entry into Canada so far. For more info, head to the original post here.
-The brand won’t ship to Quebec---yet. “For that, we’re going to need a French website, with all of our marketing translated into French,” explains Weiss. -After that, Glossier will ship to the U.K., followed by France in 2018.
We can’t reveal any more info than that yet, but keep your eyes peeled for more fun Glossier news. In the meantime, happy shopping!
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