Skincare tends to fall into one of two oft sought-after categories: clean or clinical. But the newest brand to hit’s virtual shelves a few weeks ago happens to fall into both. Canadian skincare company Skinfix promises to deliver “an unprecedented proposition—clean products, formula transparency, clinical efficacy and broad reaching, unbiased dermatologist endorsements.” With a range of creams, cleansers, balms, scrubs and treatments—all cruelty-free and free of fragrance, parabens, formaldehyde, phthalates, silicones, propylene glycol and other frowned-upon additives and preservatives—Skinfix’s products are all aimed at targeting specific dermatological issues like eczema and rosacea, plus a concentrated tattoo aftercare balm for fans of body ink.
“We are proof that clean can be legitimately clinical,” Skinfix founder Amy Risley said in a press release. Skinfix is also taking an upfront approach to labeling, listing active concentration percentages front and centre where shoppers can see them, following in the footsteps of brands like The Ordinary who pioneered this kind of ingredient transparency. With high concentrations by industry standards—their Resurface+ Glycolic Renewing Scrub, formulated to combat those unsightly upper arm bumps known as keratosis pilaris, packs a 7% concentration of glycolic acid and a 6% concentration of lactic acid—and attainable prices (by Sephora standards), this line packs a serious punch.
Here is a selection of products we’re most intrigued by:
Skinfix Glycolic Renewing Scrub
($40, Sephora)
Known to most of us as “chicken skin”, keratosis pilaris may be harmless but can be a menace to those of us who can’t shake those pesky upper arm bumps—especially with sleeveless season fast approaching. This scrub zeroes in on the common concern, clearing away those rough patches with a mix of glycolic and lactic acids.
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