Beauty moments of the week: ‘Tis the season for fun hair colours (including #MermanHair)

A photo posted by @andrewartski on

A lot can happen in seven days. That’s why every Friday, we’re going to take time to look at three beauty moments we had feelings about that week, and discuss them accordingly. 1. Merman hair is a thing Look at this hair. Isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think this trend was complete? Wouldn’t you think that the girls, the girls had already dyed…everything. Anyway, now that I’ve written the most important opening sentence of my life, let’s move on to what matters second-most: #MermanHair is a thing you can search on Instagram. Is this surprising? Well, considering celebs like Hilary Duff, Julianne Hough, and Kylie Jenner adopted less-than-natural hues for the spring/summer seasons, we should’ve expected to see dudes of the world straying from neutral tones and adopting new and exciting colours a la a character from Kim Kardashian Hollywood. (You thought I forgot about that game, haven’t you? Well, not this close to finally reaching A-List, I haven’t.) The trend found life in time for London Pride this weekend, where men have begun demonstrating their support for the LGBTQ communities by dyeing their beards, quiffs, and man-buns. Which is valid, great, and a wonderful way to show support. Though for the record, some of us lived through this in the early 2000s when multicolour tresses were the product of Kool-Aid or Manic Panic—which is why seeing hair dyed properly feels like such a relief. Let’s see some and red for fall please, gentlemen. Like beautiful leaves.

Photography via

2. Lourdes Leon is the coolest No one should be surprised when Lourdes Leon (a.k.a. Madonna’s daughter) slays her own sense of style and/or beauty aesthetic. Considering her mom rocks Moschino in music videos (and pulls it off beautifully), Lourdes has clearly had the confidence instilled to do/wear/be whatever and whomever she wants. (Which at her age is impressive, considering some of us were still wearing Roxy and the aforementioned Manic Panic.) Enter: Lourdes’ new silver hair, which contrasts her dark eyes, brows, and roots. Having debuted it earlier this week via sleek granny bun (just like the Emoji), she followed in the footsteps of countless women over the last couple of years who’ve helped established grey as a colour tactic to try. Even earlier this month, model Marga Esquivel made headlines for her grey hue when she walked in the Gucci Resort show, helping to establish the look less as a seasonal trend and more of a permanent statement. Grey hair don’t care, you guys. (And other things I will now tell myself the next time I find an actual grey.)

3. Zayn is a blonde babe

Okay, fine: Zayn “formerly of One Direction” Malik may have officially debuted his blonde hair via Twitter a couple of weeks ago, but thanks to the photo’s terrible quality (I mean, come on, guy), we didn’t understand its full majesty until dude showed up in Paris, looking…very different. (Like a grown-up? Like a fashion-conscious man? Help me process what I’m seeing.)

And yes, he looked like a million doll-hairs—especially since the last couple of weeks had seen Zayn go green, then orange, and now platinum, like a less-pretentious Jared Leto.

Obviously, if you want to read into this (which I do), Zayn’s Fashion Week presence has acted like a Zayn-as-a-solo-act cotillion, mainly because he showed up all by himself at Louis Vuitton and ended up sitting front row next to Kanye West. He may not be able to release any solo music for another two years, but if Mr. Malik can channel his creative energy into taking these beauty and fashion risks (while incorporating himself into Kanye’s world) we’ll at least get to know him as a creative mind in his own right, not as formerly part of a pack.

Though if he wants to join the Kardashian klan on a fashion endeavour, nobody’s going to judge him for pursuing more group work.

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