The hair on my legs grows rather quickly, and my sensitive skin is prone to breaking out in red bumps. What’s my best option for hair removal? Some people claim that laser hair removal is the quintessential cure for bothersome re-growth, but I’ve yet to hear one person rejoice in its affordability. With waxing, the recommended four-week break between treatments seems an awfully long time, and a quarter-inch of growth isn’t my idea of a good time. Both of these things considered, plus the sheer ease of shaving, brings me back to the basics every time: a razor blade plus shaving cream. However, I have a few extra tricks for you to make the process more rewarding.
Try showering in the evening; you typically have more time to spare, and your legs are less swollen than when you first wake up in the morning. Before you shave, exfoliate with a body scrub to slough of excess skin—this helps prevent ingrown hairs from forming. I love The Body Shop Chocomania body scrub ($18, at The Body Shop, available February 6) because it smells sweet and nutty, and contains cocoa butter to smooth your skin. The best razor is one with multiple blades and is brand new, so toss out any razors you’ve used more than twice. Also, look for a shaving cream without fragrance, as this can irritate your open pores. Once you’re out of the shower—but before you’re dried off—massage your skin with a nourishing oil to hydrate pores and relieve irritation. Fresh Sugar body oil ($45, at Sephora) has almond oil, jojoba, citrus, and primrose, but was formulated without any dirty parabens or sulfates. And, if used frequently, the oil will gradually soften the coarseness of your hair.
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