Weekend reading list: The top stories from around our offices
Need some reading for the long weekend? (And can we get an amen for the long weekend, by the way?) Check out our picks for the top stories around our offices at St. Joseph Media (Boutiques! Apple pie tarts! Japanese food!) after the jump.
Torontolife.com: Introducing: Blackbird Vintage, a treasure trove of conversation pieces in the Distillery District [Toronto Life]
Weddingbells.ca: 6 of Our Favourite Non-White Wedding Dresses [Weddingbells]
Quillandquire.com: Fall book preview 2011 [Quill and Quire]
Where.ca: Across Quebec: 10 Boutiques We Love [Where]
Canadianfamily.ca: Celebrate September With These Mini Apple Pie Tarts [Canadian Family]
Ottawamagazine.com: ARTFUL BLOGGER: From Russia With Lust at La Petite Mort [Ottawa]
20minutesupperclub: 6 Japanese Recipes for Weekend Cooking [20minutesupperclub]
Torontoist.com: Resistance is Futile at Babes in Space Burlesque [Torontoist]