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SNP's word of the day: Bashtag
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett

SNP’s word of the day: Bashtag

By Sarah Nicole Prickett
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SNP's word of the day: Bashtag
Illustration by Lewis Mirrett

Word: Bashtag

Meaning: A Twitter hashtag (you know, the categorical or punchline-type coda to your tweet) meant to insult, or bash, what you’re tweeting about.

Usage: “Expect to see #bashtag appearing soon in slide decks on social media across the land. It is a very simple way to describe what advertisers don’t want to happen.” — Alexis Madrigal on the Atlantic wire

You should know it because: Yesterday, the ‘netter lit with up schadenfreude over a spectacularly failed McDonald’s social media campaign. America’s favourite fast food chain—or so they like to think—created the hashtag #McDStories to let fans spill their drive-thru memories like they spill their Big Mac sauce. Unfortunately for them, and hilariously for us, the memories were more heartburning than heartwarming. My fave: “One time I walked into McDonalds and I could smell Type 2 diabetes in the air and I threw up.” (Is it too soon for Paula Deen jokes?)


My favourite bashtag, though, is #GingrichIdeas, because y’all know how I love to hate-watch the Republican primaries. It’s the intellectual equivalent of McDs, really: so bad for you, and yet soooo satisfying.

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