Julianne Moore stars as Sarah Palin on HBO this weekend. We’ve got the scoop on what she’ll be wearing to make the transformation

Photography courtesy of HBO/TMN
Photography courtesy of HBO/TMN

From her rise as a sassy Alaskan hockey mom to a wannabe politico pit bull, HBO’s Game Change biopic frames would-be U.S. VP Sarah Palin with the tact of a Fox news cycle and the intensity of a CNN headline.

Julianne Moore cunningly portrays the Alaskan governor in the thick of the 2008 presidential race, and does an exquisite job of channeling every nerve-wracked fiber of Palin’s being. Choosing not veer into Tina Fey territory, Moore instead paints a picture of a woman whose internal thought process is as stir-fried and mixed-up as a fresh dish of Moo Goo Gai Pan. Moore’s wardrobe in Game Change—hand picked by costumer Daniel Orlandi—echo the ill-advised insanity of her election experience. Here is a run down of a few of the looks to watch out for when the film airs on TV this Saturday:

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The pink hoodie: Enjoying quality family time at what seems to be an Alaskan county fair, Palin’s ill-fitting ensemble—an oversized Cotton Ginny-esque sweater, a fray-cuffed pair of Buffalo jeans circa 1999, and some seriously shabby square-toed boots—relays just how desperate John McCain‘s camp was to call Sarah “to duty.”

The Cinderella moment: Instead of mice dancing with needles and thread, McCain’s troops of image consultants styled Palin in a bounty of dusty-rose, rouge, and greige-hued campaign jackets (think The Good Wife meets The West Wing) and a requisite strand of pearls. She is also given what appears to be her first pair of proper heels, prompting her to squeal, “I love these Jimmy Sheeyyuuuze!”

Photography courtesy of HBO/TMN

Her purple reign epiphany: With mud-coloured campaign trousers and lily-white blouses, Palin’s separates practically scream “high taxes and arts funding cuts.” To up the ante (Obama is spotted wearing Calvin Klein), she dons her grape-coloured armour—a big-buttoned jacket that shows the American people she means business (sort of?).

Her meltdown in red: After Palin/Moore throws on a red and black skirt suit in Game Change, everything gets messed up. She gets knocked down in the polls, can’t figure out the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan, starts whipping her Blackberry against the wall and randomly screams out a quote by Hillary Clinton. If she learned anything from the whole Obama/Biden landslide, it’s that her fiery colour choices did not do her any favours.

Game Change airs on HBO Canada on Saturday March 10 at 9 p.m.

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