James Corden never ceases to make us LOL in the old sense of the acronym—actually out loud. But when Neil Patrick Harris challenges his fellow funny guy to a musical riff off, we are so entertained. The two cover show tunes including Les Misérables' “On My Own” and Hamilton‘s “My Shot,” among others. NPH, who won a Tony for his lead actor role in the musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch, taunts Corden, who also won a Tony but for his role in a play, reminding the talk show host that he is the one who actually won for his singing talent. Their onstage chemistry is ridiculous, and at one point NPH actually licks Corden’s face in the midst of a sexy show tune—and he splits his pants doing some kind of mock seductive move on the stage floor. After the commercial break, Patrick admitted “When I went down on my knees there, I had a nice wardrobe malfunction and split my pants from my ass to my knee.... I left it all on the stage for you.” Not only is it filled with LOLs; it’s also easy on the ears.
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