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Celebrity fragrances are, in one word, iconic. Throughout the current resurgence of 2000s fashion and beauty, in which we’ve seen Juicy Couture and clear lip gloss make the comebacks of the century, celeb fragrances have remained under the radar and grossly under-appreciated. And I, for one, refuse to stand for it any longer.
To usher in the new era of celebrity perfumes, we ushered in the new era of, uh, humans (they also happen to be the fragrances’ target demographic): teen girls! We provided eight celebrity fragrances, from classics like Curious by Britney Spears, to new releases like Signature by Shawn Mendes, and asked them to share their thoughts on each one.
Watch the video below for an insightful, honest, and truly hilarious review of popular celebrity fragrances.
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