It’s the day after Halloween and two things are probably going through your head. 1) Why did you think it was a good idea to eat that extra bag of chocolates and 2) What are you going to do with all this leftover Halloween makeup? While we can’t help you with your first problem, we can definitely solve the leftover makeup issue. And no, storing fake blood, greasepaint and Despicable Me-ready yellow makeup in the back of your drawer for next year isn’t going to cut it. (Here’s a guide to understanding beauty product expiration dates, btw.)
Now before you go all Godzilla on your bathroom counter and sweep all of it into the garbage bin, hear us out. All that costume makeup doesn’t have to go to waste. From fake blood-turned-cheek stain to glitter roots, we’ve compiled a list of ways to incorporate the most popular Halloween makeup products into your everyday beauty routine – complete with YouTube videos. Problem solved.
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