November 2015 horoscopes: How to deal with Scorpio season, the spookiest time of the year


Happy Scorpio season! Scorpio is an often misunderstood sign—it is deeply honest, transformative, and able to see through what others are blind to. This month, let yourself reflect on the year gone by, and what you feel may serve you to let go of. Understand that this is what will give you the energy to step into a new phase come spring; you’re laying the groundwork now. The new moon in Scorpio happens on the 11th, a perfect time for you to get clear about what is ending in your life and what you are ready to lay to rest. Through this you will find regeneration. The full moon in Gemini is on the 25th, with opportunity for you to watch the way you communicate with others. Do you speak just so you can tell the story you want to tell, or is listening and receiving a part of your dialogue as well? Some deep and long-standing confusion will start to clear up later in the month as well, as you pull the wool from your eyes.

Illustrations by Stefanie Ayoub. Horoscopes by Aerin Fogel. For personal birth chart consultations, visit Aerin’s website.


horoscopes aries

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Dear Aries,

You may find that the focus you normally hold is a little different right now. While usually you are committed to your own path, you’ve recently felt the desire to let someone else be a part of this too. It’s scary, of course, because a part of you wants to break free as soon as someone gets in too close. But it seems like you are starting to get the hang of walking side by side with another, and wrestling with the temptation to step ahead into leadership or branch off alone. It’s a good time to consider how this new way of being can be integrated into the rest of your reality so that it doesn’t start to crumble in a few weeks’ time.

Start to refine your style this month, especially if it feels like you’ve had a hard time even knowing what you want to wear. A little extra detail, care, and attention won’t hurt either. Follow that old familiar feeling of desire on the 2nd, because it’s been pointing you towards wholeness for months now. And point yourself back into a relationship on the 12th, whether it’s with someone new or a renewal with someone familiar. Fair partnership means taking leadership off the table. If you’ve been waiting to make a new commitment, either to a new form of study or a new business venture, the 23rd-25th is a great time to step into it.

horoscopes taurus

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Dear Taurus,

One of your skills is to really dig into whatever you are doing, and be fully present to your commitments. The imbalance of this is that you are so down-on-the-ground, digging in, that it’s hard to step back and see the bigger picture. It’s like you only get one corner at a time. This month though, one corner at a time is all you need, as you invest in your job with renewed enthusiasm. You don’t need to know where it’s all going right now because you’re just taking it one step at a time. Many steps will inevitably create a bigger picture.

Pay attention this month to how your body responds to what you wear – how does this fabric feel on your skin? Does this colour help you feel vibrant? Let your body dictate your wardrobe, and my sense is that your style might end up shifting to something a little more practical and comfortable, which certainly doesn’t have to mean unstylish. Finish up any creative projects you’ve started in the first few days of the month, because by the 8th, it’s time to get back to a different kind of work. Watch how much responsibility you are taking on for others mid-month, because there could be pieces of the story that you are missing or even blind to. You are sensitive to hierarchies on the 20th, and might need to step into your own strength a little more if you feel like your hands are tied. Give yourself time alone on the 23rd or you will otherwise feel the strain on your nervous system of saying yes to too many things so that you’ll seem like a nice person.

horoscopes gemini

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Dear Gemini,

I know that it’s a challenge for you to focus or commit to something long-term. So what if you started committing short-term? What if you gave yourself time frames for each endeavour that actually felt manageable to you, and allowed you to move on when you felt ready? Try committing, for three weeks, to eating healthy without being restrictive. Try committing, for three weeks, to renewing your passion for what you do and bringing something new into the workplace. This is also you learning to commit to your own life, one step at a time. Later, on the full moon on the 25th, you’ll get a chance to see whether there’s really a balance of you and the other in your relationships, or if the scales are tipped one way.

It’s a good month to invest in smart but beautiful boots; they need to be warm enough to keep your feet on the ground through the winter, but unique enough that you won’t get bored of them halfway through the season. If you’ve been waiting for inspiration in your work, it will come on the 6th, so make time to daydream and imagine. It will come around again on the 17th, and the things you truly want won’t feel so far out of reach if you commit to them and can stay put long enough to see them blossom. And what kind of relationship do you want? Give space to that from the 20th on, because there might be a new relationship arriving, or a new picture of an existing relationship.

horoscopes cancer

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Dear Cancer,

This month is a great time to do one of your most favourite things, and be very cozy at home. The Danes have a great word called ‘hygge’ for the kind of coziness that happens over a long, dark winter when there is a warm fire, hot cider, wool socks, and wonderful conversation with friends. November is your time of hygge! Make time to be with friends and speak deeply from the heart, to cook soup and bake pie and watch your favourite movies in bed with flannel sheets, to snuggle a pet or borrow a pet to snuggle, to snuggle a loved one, and to do it all by candlelight. I bet you are feeling very excited about all this. Be hygge in your style too and go for big wool sweaters, warm lace-up boots, and long scarves with bold, beautiful prints. Some of you might even go as far as a fur hat.

Consider, on the 3rd, who has been a teacher to you, and who you have become a teacher too. These relationships can sometimes be mutable. The new moon on the 11th is a wonderful time to start a new creative project, or if you have children, the beginning of a new emotional phase with them. If you’ve been confused about your greater path in life, things will start to clear up after the 18th, especially if you can look clearly at what you envision without the tint of rose-coloured glasses. Notice whether there’s balance between your playtime and your work in the world, on the full moon on the 25th.

horoscopes leo

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Dear Leo,

You’re not one to prefer time alone, but it means there are moments of grounding you miss. Some extra time at home by yourself this month will give you a chance to collect your thoughts and experiences from the past few months that may feel at this point as if they’re building up in a pile behind you. Similarly, it may be time to make some space for your family. Those are relationships that can’t just disappear from your life but still need care, attention, and nurturing. Abundance is also coming your way, but it doesn’t always come in the form of money. Open your eyes to the different ways abundance can show up, through experiences, gifts, people, opportunities, and limitless other pathways.

It’s a good month to clear out your closet too, in the interest of consolidation. Paring down your style to something simple and clean will do wonders for consolidating your emotional experiences as well. Meanwhile, your emotions run deep on the 9th, so rather than letting yourself get anxious about it, know that there’s great strength and character in your depth. Inspiration arrives out of nowhere on the 17th, so write it down if you can, because it can be forgotten as quickly as it comes. From the 22nd on, make more space for playtime in your life. Growing up doesn’t mean you stop having fun, it means you learn new ways it can be in your life. You will feel extra sensitive, on the 29th, to what those close to you are going through. Don’t let it pull you away from your own commitments; you can be compassionate without getting directly involved.

march 2015 horoscopes

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Dear Virgo,

While you are normally devoted to those you love, and to the causes you’re passionate about, I hope you make space for yourself this month. While everything has been hitting the fan the past month or two, it’s really about you grabbing hold of chaos and harnessing it as pure energy. There’s a way to take charge of your experience without being controlling. Think of November as a time of learning new communication skills. Speak honestly, openly, and share what you are feeling. Don’t be afraid to include yourself in the equation, since making space for others is no problem for you. Work with expansiveness in your life, rather than overindulgence. Choose where you want to direct that force or it will go sideways into unhealthy habits.

Be creative with your style this month. Think of your outfits as an art form, and think of it as a form of play. Light colours and muted tones work well for you right now. Bring new ideas to the table in your relationship on the 6th, because you’re able to turn confusion into real solutions right now. Speak what you feel in your heart on the 17th, because others are listening and will benefit from hearing it. Spend time with family from the 20th on, even though it can feel like your relationship to them never really meets your picture of what it could be. For now, it can be enough just to be together. It will start to bring you a deeper kind of maturity to accept them as they are.

march 2015 horoscopes

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Dear Libra,

This month you will receive a burst of renewal that has felt a long-time coming. It’s amazing that no matter how hard you push for change, it will come when it comes, and always feel completely different from how you imagined it. Change is afoot although with it is a sense of coming home. For change doesn’t have to mean complete newness, it can mean a return, a restoration, and a recalibration. That ever-elusive quality of balance is possible, now, as you come home to yourself. The tricky thing for you is to be able to do all this without the pressure of what you imagine others expect you to be, or how you imagine you should appear in the world. You’ll stay stuck if you keep trying to follow those ideals.

Your wardrobe is ready for a revision too; you will look great in more refined outfits, with cleaner lines and more buttons. It’s a good time for a new pea coat too. You might feel agitated on the 2nd by your own desire, which feels like it can’t find a way to the surface, but by the 8th you find yourself in the heart of renewal. Don’t let yourself get pushed out of sight on the 20th by the rest of your family, who at times feel like great shadows that tower over you. Your shadow can tower, too. Closeness to another person’s got you anxious on the 23rd, so lean into the part of you that wants partnership, rather than following the anxiety and pulling away.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Dear Scorpio,

Happy birthday! By now, I hope you’ve gotten used to the slightly uncomfortable feeling of coming out of hiding that’s been happening for you the past few months. Your friends and community benefit from seeing you, all of you, even if you sometimes feel misunderstood while you’re seen. Consider, this month, what your heart truly desires, and then start to turn your wheels in that direction. It’s a good time for dreaming, visioning, and letting your imagination wander to call in the next piece of the puzzle. If there’s sadness in there too, let it happen. Sometimes we grieve the ending of old parts of ourselves without even realizing it, and if there’s one thing that’s helpful for a Scorpio, it’s knowing how to let go while feeling everything there is to feel.

This is a good month to buy new underwear, or things unseen that lie against your skin. What’s hidden from sight can still be a thing of beauty, even if you’re the only one that sees it – it’s all about how you feel anyways, remember? There’s a new moon in your sign on the 11th, a beautiful opportunity to set intentions for the year that lies ahead. You can become new in each moment, and your choice of who you want to be is more powerful than you realize. Pay attention to dreams and intuition from the 12th on, because there’s helpful information in there. You can even write some of it down and come back to it later.

march 2015 horoscopes

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Dear Sagittarius,

If you’re feeling a little lost, a little directionless, a little sleepy, dreamy, and without your usual fire under the pants, don’t worry! This too shall pass. Part of it is that you just are a little sleepy and dreamy right now, which is fine, because you are preparing for a new phase and still in the process of dreaming it up. On the other hand, part of it is that you are holding yourself to incredibly high expectations right now, while simultaneously laying on the judgment for not being able to meet these inhuman expectations. It’s time to learn to let your hopes and dreams expand and inspire you, rather than being the source of judgment and self-criticism when you don’t get it perfect.

Continue on your new style path of maturity, that will give you a more authoritative edge than you’d normally wear. You’ll feel, on the 3rd, that nobody can quite dig into your wounds the way family can. There’s healing still to be done here, and there happens to be a connection between your self-judgment and growing up in your family. Good luck is on your side from the 10th–13th if you can follow your gut instincts. Even when it doesn’t make perfect sense it will lead you in the right direction. From the 20th on, everything will start to come into sharper focus. You feel more able to point, aim, and shoot at what you want, to be clear about this in yourself in order to reach for it in the world around you

march 2015 horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Dear Capricorn,

Your task at hand (something every Capricorn loves very much) seems to take you further away from home than you’re always comfortable with right now. Though it might give you a slight sense of unease, know that there’s great value on focusing on the bigger picture right now. What do you ultimately want out of the coming phase of your life? Go with the first thing that comes to mind, and let that be your guide. There will always be obstacles that arise but if you return to the larger vision you’ll be able to work through them.

Be playful with your style this month and give it some colour. Creating beauty in your outfits is an art form, and you’re refining a certain kind of youthfulness right now. You are motivated to take on new responsibility in your career on the 13th, and then again on the 23rd, as your true desires come more to the surface and point out where to go. You see past everything and all pretences on the 24th, and while you feel compelled to say what you see, others may still be unconscious to it. Though you may feel completely lost to longing on the 26th, there’s a part of you that stills seems limited. How could you possibly reach towards what you long for if there’s a brick wall in front of you? Take it into your own hands in order to work through it; one step at a time, you can learn how to reconcile these feelings into strength and directedness. On the 29th, let your heart speak, and commit to your dreams.

march 2015 horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Dear Aquarius,

Just like the cycle of the seasons, there are cycles to our lives as well. Right now you’re in an outer-life phase of the cycle. The seeds you have planted are starting to turn to blossoms and the urge to ‘get out there’ means you’re plans are becoming reality. The trouble with it all is your high expectations of yourself. Things will always look different in your head than when they start to take root, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t doing it properly. It means that the world is a shifting, ever-changing place, and it’s okay to let go and adapt as you progress.

Don’t be afraid of some dark colour in your wardrobe right now, or some army green pants, or a woolly maroon sweater. You might suddenly feel as if you’re garnering more attention than you normally do. You find yourself saying what no one really wants to hear on the 5th, so know at least that you’re speaking the truth. Don’t let that old familiar anxiety hold you back on the 9th from what you truly want – follow your heart, not your jitters. It will be your turn to speak on the 12th. All that is troublesome about society seems clear to you on the 23rd, but it might feel like a frustration that there’s only so much one person can do. You can reconcile this by doing as much as you can, at home and in your community, in the small conversations of the day, while knowing that it takes more than just one of you to change the planet.

march 2015 horoscopes

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Dear Pisces,

There are two pictures you’ve been working with; one of relationship, and one of your greater dreams for your own path. Your work for November comes in merging these two paths, or at least understanding that they don’t have to feel so separate to you. Desire and inspiration are funny like that. Sometimes they lead you down what seems like a sideways path, only to find it was the perfect way to go. The passion you feel with another will feed your strength to step towards your dreams if you channel it in that direction. Meanwhile, your own confusion about yourself is going to clear away, especially from the 18th on. It will be like fog lifting off the water as the morning sun rises, for you to suddenly become clear about just what a gem you are and what you’re doing in the world.

This is a good month to change up your look too, to something with a dreamier quality. Go for soft prints that blend, pastel colours, and long lengths. New understanding and ideas about your path and what you want to learn will come to you on the 6th. On the 14th, then later again on the 24th, don’t be confused by what you feel. You’re sensitive to things in others that they may not even be sensitive to themselves. Do the difficult thing and speak directly to it. Responsibility overwhelms you on the 26th but it’s only because you’ve suddenly realized how incredibly much you want to do with your life and are willing to take it on.

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