Photography via Instagram/@oprah

Oprah’s Gardening Obsession Is The Best Thing On Instagram

You get a tomato! You get a tomato! Everybody gets tomatoes!

Oprah has been all over the headlines lately. With a rumoured presidential run, a new packaged mashed potato line, and a game changing Golden Globes speech that brought audiences to tears, we just can’t get enough of the billionaire media maven.

But let’s not forget what Oprah’s greatest contribution to society: her garden. Anyone who follows Oprah on Instagram–which should be all of you!–is familiar with the icon’s signature post, which features a joyful Oprah with an overflowing, colour-coordinated basket of fresh vegetables. Her expression says it all: look at the bliss! Look at that joy! It’s like she can’t even help herself! In celebration of Oprah’s birthday, we look  back at her Instagram to chart the past 46 times she’s shared a photo of her incredibly bountiful, beautiful garden with the world. Enjoy.

46. Oprah being SO happy with her bountiful harvest. 

45. Oprah planning to make potato soup and carrot juice. 

44. Oprah smizing with some precious purple potatoes. 

Purple potatoes and lots of greens!#newHarvestnewYear

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43. Oprah being pleased with her cauliflower picks.

Just picked tonight's dinner. Roasted cauliflower! #harvestday

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42. Oprah holding a very large zucchini. (With cow looking on.)

41. Oprah with COLLARD GREENS and CARROTS. 

40. Oprah explaining the cycle of eggs and chickens.

Look what I just gathered. Chickens are workin'

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39. Oprah presenting her colour coordinated harvest picks.

Harvest day. just picked fresh. #lovemygarden

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38. Oprah fighting to be seen behind a pile of fruits and veggies. 

37. Oprah promising to make us soup.

36. Oprah promising to make us sorbet.

Todays Harvest..Fresh peaches and blackberries. #makingsorbet

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35. Oprah and garden and friends. 

34. Oprah loving real tomatoes. 

Don't you love it when a tomato is real? Just picked these. #harvestday

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33. Oprah (and Stedman!) turning up for turnips. 

Just picked 'me. gonna cook 'em for Easter dinner. #turnip greens #harvestday

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32. Oprah making me crave guacamole and fig oatmeal. 

31. Oprah flying on a private jet with a dog and a basket of vegetables. 

Flying to sweet home Chicago with Sadie and yesterday's Harvest!

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30. Oprah blessing her followers with roses. 

Rose Blessings to you all. 14 buckets cut this morning. #happygardenday

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29. Oprah posing with her #harvest. 

28. Oprah sharing her bounty: You get a tomato! You get a tomato! You get a tomato! 

27. Oprah stepping out with wet hair in January. 

Harvesting beautiful greens even in January ! #harvestday

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26. Oprah showcasing her gift for Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi. 

My harvest day vegetable basket for @theEllenShow and Portia. #newneighbors

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25. Oprah appreciating miles and miles of sugar. 

Miles and miles of Sugarcane . Thibodaux , La

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24. Oprah bragging that her flower bushes are bigger than yours.

Bushes of them. All bigger than my head!!

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23. Oprah growing corn.

Corn.. Wait til a few more weeks.

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22. Oprah organizing her fresh herbs. 

Fresh herbs. Just picked.

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21. Oprah celebrating her first hydrangea blossoms.

First hydrangea blossoms in my garden

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20. Oprah planting a tree with Carrie Underwood. 

19. Oprah putting her basil into focus, but also out of focus. 

I just picked fresh basil,put it in my kitchen window. Happiness!

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18. Oprah making a sultry face, surrounded by flowers. 

flowers from my garden. Love sharing with my neighbors!!

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17. Oprah appreciating millennial pink and artsy filters. 

Spring has come to my front yard.

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16. Oprah harvesting enough food to feed 

Another great reason to love summer. Gardening , I love it!

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15. Oprah stopping to smell the roses.

Stopping to smell the roses after workout. On my way to #supersoulsunday

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14. Oprah wondering what to do with all this dill.

What to do with all this Dill? #Harvestday

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13. Oprah carrying a (very heavy?!) basket of greens. 

12. Oprah showing off her adorable strawberries, and adorable smile. 

11. Oprah and her dogs and her tomatoes. 

Is there anything better than a freshly picked tomato? #harvestday

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10. Oprah proving that this bunch of flowers is bigger than her head. 

This one the biggest I've seen. Covers my whole face . Love Sundays!

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9. Oprah sharing her love for organic farming and photography with her followers. 

Apples on the fence. Organic farming. My new passion .

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8. Oprah letting her golden retriever carry a plate of tomatoes.

My favorite day of the week. #Harvestday

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7. Oprah spreading her botanical wisdom: “Did you know every rose has a name?”

6. Oprah planting trees, even on vacation. 

5. Oprah finding flea market steals. 

4. Oprah and her flowers. 

flowers from my garden. Love sharing with my neighbors!!

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3. Oprah defining the perfect apple: crisp, tart and sweet. 

Just picked. Harvest Day! Apples are crisp and perfect blend of tart and sweet!

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2. Oprah turning her food into a feast.

We had a 4th Feast! Thanx to my cheffies @chefkennyg @meilin21 , @fredericmonti

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1. Oprah making us want to start our own gardens.

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